Agro-ecological Knowledge Hub

9th ESSC International Congress, 26-28 September 2019

UNISECO was present - through its Hungarian case study on soil conservation management - at the 9th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation. The Focus of the Congress was ‘Soil’s Contribution to People: from Food to Life Supporting Services’.

The Congress was held at the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania) from 26 to 28 September 2019. The objective was to present up to date research results, practical examples, and policies, to support the role played by soil resources on human existence and as a source of food and life supporting services.

The scientific sessions of the 2019 ESSC International Congress were organized into the following main topics:

  • Management of soil functions and services: monitoring and remediation.
  • Soil conservation issues in organic farming, agro-ecology and conservation agriculture.
  • Sustainable Land Management in a changing environment: examples from best practices.
  • Pedotechniques in large-scale farming and advances in soil survey and soil classification
  • Land Degradation Neutrality and food security.
  • Soil contamination across various scales and remediation practices
  • Soil fertility and plant nutrition
  • Soil carbon sequestration to combat and mitigate climate change
  • From research to policies supporting soil ecosystem services
  • National and international efforts to promote data collection and sharing on soil services

For more information visit the event website here.