Agro-ecological Knowledge Hub

D2.1 - Adapted SES Framework for AEFS and Guidelines for Assessing Sustainability of Agricultural Systems in Europe published

Prepared by ISARA-Lyon, the James Hutton Institute, the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (UZEI), and CREA, Deliverable D2.1 from WP2 explains the adapted Social-Ecological Systems (SES) framework for the sustainability assessment of agro-ecological farming systems in UNISECO.

The overarching objective of WP2 is to provide a conceptual framework for the project and to ensure a consistent theoretical underpinning of the practice and policy recommendations for agro-ecological transitions. The first task in WP2 was to develop a conceptual framework for assessing the sustainability of farming systems and to provide guidance on its application across the different WPs in UNISECO (Deliverable D2.1). 

The objective of the Deliverable report D2.1 is to develop a conceptual framework suitable for the sustainability assessment of agro-ecological farming systems (AEFS). The report explains the adapted SES framework for the sustainability assessment of AEFS and operationalises the framework by providing guidance for the analytical WPs (WP3, WP4, WP5, and WP6) and their collection of information and assessment of SES variables. It summarises the strengths and weaknesses of the SES framework to analyse transitions to AEFS and outlines the adaptations of the variables of the different subsystems for the SES framework in UNISECO.


D2.1 - Adapted SES Framework for AEFS and Guidelines for Assessing Sustainability of Agricultural Systems in Europe