Project level briefs
Based on the principal results of the H2020 UNISECO project and roundtable debate of a panel of experts at the final project conference in March 2021, this brief formulates recommendations or future research needs and actions within a future European R&I partnership on agroecology living labs and research infrastructures.
Succesful transitions to AEFS and practices requires shared understainging of innovations required by actors in practice, policy, science and society. Bringing together complementary perspectives in transdisciplinary Multi-Actor Platforms provides forums to co-construct strategies for such transitions, and their implementation.
UNISECO findings reveal the importance of advice, research, innovation and training in the social networks of farming systems, delivering to SDG 4 on education and life-long learning.
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Mitigation of climate change by humus formation and regenerative arable farming in Eastern Austria (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Eindämmung des Klimawandels durch Humusaufbau und regenerativen Ackerbau in Ostösterreich (in German)
Czech Republic
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Improving soil properties on arable land by maintaining organic dairy farming in the Vysočina region (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Zlepšení půdních vlastností orné půdy udržením ekologického hospodaření mléčných farem na Vysočině (in Czech)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: The profitability of biogas investments remains an obstacle to achieving the carbon neutrality objectives of the dairy value chain (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Biokaasuinvestointien kannattavuus edelleen este maitoketjun hiilineutraaliustavoitteiden toteutumiselle (in Finnish)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Viticulture and agroecology (France). Cooperation between farmers to foster agroecological practices in viticulture (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Viticulture et agro-écologie (France). Coopération entre exploitants viticoles pour promouvoir les pratiques agro-écologiques en viticultre (in French)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Supporting knowledge networks for sustainable farming practices in Lower Saxony (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Förderung von Wissensnetzwerken für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Niedersachsen (in German)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: The role of collective efforts in fostering agro-ecological transition in Imathia, Northern Greece (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Η συμβολή των συλλογικών προσπαθειών στην προώθηση της μετάβασης προς την αγρο-οικολογία στην Ημαθία (in Greek)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Soil conservation farming in Hungary: How policies could be improved to assist agro-ecological transition? (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Szakpolitikai ajánlás: Talajkímélő gazdálkodás Magyarországon Miként lehet segíteni a szakpolitikák javításán keresztül az agro-ökológia felé történő elmozdulást? (in Hungarian)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Innovative policy tools and grassroots initiatives to foster the agroecological transition of a market-oriented winegrowing area (Chianti, Italy) (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Strumenti politici innovativi ed iniziative locali per favorire la transizione agroecologica di un'area vitivinicola orientata al mercato (Chianti, Italia) (in Italian)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Differentiation of support for organic farming based on the complexity of agro-ecological farming practices and performance of agro-environmental measures in Latvia (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Policies Enabling Transition to Organic Dairy Farming Systems in Latvia (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 Policy brief: Atbalsta pasākumu diferencēšana bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai Latvijā (in Latvian)
- UNISECO H2020 Policy brief: Politikas atbalsts pārejai uz bioloģiskās piena lopkopības sistēmu Latvijā (in Latvian)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Small family dairy farms - from status quo to agroecological farming systems? (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 Politikos santrauka: Smulkių pieno ūkių ateitis – agroekologinių ūkininkavimo sistemų link? (in Lithuanian)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Supporting the development of an agro-ecological market through Measure 16.2 of the Rural Development Program (RDP) in Navarra (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Apoyar el desarrollo del mercado agroecológico en Navarra (España) a través de la Medida 16.2 del Programa de Desarrollo Rural (PDR) (in Spanish)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Agro-ecological diversification to produce more food from Swedish ruminant farms (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Increasing the knowledge about income alternatives to intensive livestock farming of the Swiss Lucerne Central Lakes region (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Verbesserung der Kenntnisse über Einkommensalternativen zur intensiven Nutztierhaltung in der Region Luzerner Mittellandseen (in German)
United Kingdom
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Addressing barriers of culture, mindset and institutions through effective co-creation forums and networking, in North-east Scotland, UK (in English)
- UNISECO H2020 policy brief: Tackling the shortage of skilled and informed labour to deliver transitions to agro-ecological farming systems in North-east Scotland, UK (in English)