Czech Republic
- UNISECO H2020 issue brief: Enhancing cooperation and capacity building to maintain arable land protection on organic dairy farms in the Czech Republic
- UNISECO H2020 issue brief: Posílení spolupráce a budování kapacit k zachování ochrany orné půdy na ekologických mléčných farmách v České republice
- UNISECO H2020 issue brief: Pathways of peach growers for a transition towards sustainability: an eco-efficiency and input substitution tree crop-based farming system in Imathia, Greece
- UNISECO H2020 issue brief: Η πορεία της παραγωγής ροδακίνων προς τη βιωσιμότητα: βελτίωση της αποδοτικότητας με εισροές και πρακτικές φιλικές προς το περιβάλλον
- UNISECO H2020 issue brief: Enhancing knowledge exchange for the adoption of agroecological practices in vineyards: the Chianti Biodistrict
- UNISECO H2020 issue brief: Migliorare lo scambio di conoscenze per favorire l'adozione di pratiche agroecologiche nei vigneti: il "Biodistretto del Chianti"
- UNISECO H2020 issue brief: Promoting cropping system diversification in a highly specialised and market-oriented winegrowing area
- UNISECO H2020 issue brief: Favorire la diversificazione colturale in un'area specializzata nella produzione di vino e orientata al mercato