Agro-ecological Knowledge Hub

EIP-AGRI online workshop: Shaping the EU mission ’Caring for soil is caring for life’ 20 – 21 October 2020

60-70% of European soils are currently unhealthy. To restore soil health in the EU and beyond, the European Commission (EC) has established the Mission: Caring for Soil is Caring for Life with a clear mandate to support sustainable soil use and management throughout the Union.

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development and the EIP-AGRI Service Point organised this workshop to introduce and consult the proposed Work Plan of the Mission. The discussion sessions enabled participants to exchange ideas on the most urgent research and innovation needs from practice, and to express the practical needs for implementation of the proposed actions.

The event documents, presentations and videos can be found here:

Source: EIP-AGRI