Agro-ecological Knowledge Hub


Dear Reader,

We are very pleased to inform you that we have just released the 4th issue of the UNISECO Project Newsletter.

You may access and browse or download the PDF version here.

Here are some highlights what you can find in this issue:

What UNISECO is all about?

UNISECO is an EC funded 3-year Horizon 2020 research and innovation action aiming at strengthening the sustainability of EU farming systems through co-constructing improved and practice validated strategies and incentives for the promotion of improved agro-ecological approaches.

A lot of work has been done in the project since our 3rd newsletter in February 2020.  Dealing with various tasks during the Covid-19 pandemic was a challenge but the UNISECO project team managed to generate valuable results and to co-construct transition strategies with the Multi-Actor Platforms in the 15 case studies which were discussed in the recent 6th project meeting.

Furthermore, from the 4th issue of our newsletter you can get to know:

What are the latest developments and current activities in our project?

Current activities include the evaluation of innovative market and policy instruments to promote agro-ecological transitions in the different case study contexts and the preparation of the next international stakeholder workshop with our Multi-Actor Platforms and Project Advisory Group which will be held online on the 4th and 5th of November. In addition, the last case study deliverables are being finalised. Those activities and outcomes will be reported in the next Newsletter No. 5 in December 2020.

  • Read about the stakeholder workshops in the case studies. Further case study news can be found on the project website.

We would like to thank the members of the Multi-Actor Platforms for participating in the interviews and workshops (both online and in-person) and for their valuable input to the transdisciplinary research in UNISECO.

What are the latest deliverables in UNISECO?

  • Download and read our latest reports e.g. on the methodological specification of the spatially-explicit modelling framework, on participatory analysis of market and policy instruments for agro-ecological transition.

Where and how are we networking?

  • Despite the Covid19 pandemic UNISECO was present at several – mostly online - events including the 9th AIEAA Conference, or the series of webinars on crop protection and scenarios for the future of agriculture organised by INRAE.

What are the upcoming international events where you can meet us?

  • There are several events on our list, e.g. the EU Farm to Fork 2020 conference, 7th UNISECO Project Meeting and International Stakeholder Workshop in November 2020, and last but not least:


UNISECO project final conference on 18-19 March 2021.

We hope you will enjoy delving into the latest info about our project. Thank you for reading!

The UNISECO project team