Agro-ecological Knowledge Hub


Dealing with various tasks during the Covid-19 pandemic was a challenge but the UNISECO project team managed to generate valuable results and to co-construct transition strategies with the Multi-Actor Platforms in the 15 case studies which were discussed in the recent 6th project meeting.

We would like to thank the members of the Multi-Actor Platforms for participating in the interviews and workshops (both online and in-person) and for their valuable input to the transdisciplinary research in UNISECO. 

Current activities include the evaluation of innovative market and policy instruments to promote agro-ecological transitions in the different case study contexts and the preparation of the next international stakeholder workshop with our Multi-Actor Platforms and Project Advisory Group which will be held online on the 4th and 5th of November. In addition, the last case study deliverables are being finalised. Those activities and outcomes will be reported in the next Newsletter No. 5 in December 2020.

Various current and forthcoming tasks focus on integrating results from different activities, preparing summaries, developing tools and a methodological handbook which are planned for the beginning of next year. We are also working on policy briefs, and participate at various discussions and events at EU-level organised by the European Commission, in relation to the Green Deal, Farm to Fork Strategy, the Biodiversity  Strategy for 2030 and the European R&I partnership on agroecology living labs and research infrastructures.

The final project conference is scheduled in March 2021 and is currently planned to take place in Brussels.

Save the date:
Final conference UNISECO project 18th and 19th of March 2021.